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A selection of testimonials from past course participants.

After completing level two of the course, I now look at the quran in a different light and feel I have a much more better understanding of the quranic arabic vocabulary than ever before!!

Jamelah Hussain

I have felt that from every lesson I have attended, I have gone home and learnt something which will stay with me forever.

Jamelah Hussain

I would definitely recommend this course to anyone, who has an interest to learn more about the Quran, infact, I have already told all my friends about it.

I was swayed by the professionalism of the tutors, the structure of the course and the positive energy radiating from previous students.

Uzma Imtiaz, Modern Foreign Languages teacher

The teaching methods and style are exactly what I was after in a course : use of modern technologies [...] ranging from flash cards to mini-whiteboards, team games to investigative research.

Uzma Imtiaz, Modern Foreign Languages teacher

The staff are easily approachable and create a stimulating learning environment encompassing the learning styles and pace of all learners.

the best thing has been meeting like-minded individuals from a range of backgrounds - the student input is fantastic!

Alhamdulillah, our teacher is very knowledgeable and it is reassuring to know that we are in good hands.

I would definitely recommend new reverts like myself and other Muslim brothers and sisters to enroll...

I have learnt so much and I never thought I would go this far, so come on enroll on to the course because I guarantee you, you wouldn't want to be taught anywhere else

Phuong Nguyen

I have a passion for learning Arabic and no other course has managed to fulfill my need for this passion

Not only am I learning the language of the Quran, but I am also gaining knowledge of English grammar, a skill I was not taught at school.

All that is required to enrol on the course is an honest desire to learn.

Lest we forget, seeking knowledge is one of the best forms of worship, and what better knowledge to gain, other that the Quran and Sunnah?

This is completely different what i imagined it to be but absolutely brilliant!!!

Umm Amarah

For anyone who has a genuine interest in learning Quranic Arabic, then courses conducted by the OTI will help you achieve this. The classes were run extremely efficiently and the lesson plan was well constructed. The teaching staff were very professional and approachable. I would highly recommend this course to anybody who wishes to have a better understanding of the Quran.

Khadeeja Vattuvara (Level 2 & Level 3)

Learning Qur'anic Arabic with OTI is the first time the language of the Qur'an was made accessible. Friendly modern learning techniques are used to teach grammar alongside Qur'anic stories and gems. The sincere and patient teachers have helped to make the words of the Qur'an come alive and bring a personal relevance to my life!

Dr Bashir PhD (Level 2-4)

I'm enjoying the classes and like the mixture of theory and practical which helps learning to be fun. I think it's great environment and although I know how to read the Qur'an it's been great to be in the class to help to get my pronunciation correct.

Student (Level 1)

Thank you to all at the OTI for providing this great opportunity and IA I'll be enrolling in class 2 and will also be recommending class 1 to my family members

Student (Level 1)

Don't listen to your self doubt. It's just shaytan playing with your head. Our religion is about learning. You ow it to yourself and you ow it to Allah to learn to read Qur'an properly.

Annette (Level 1)

I can not recommend this course highly enough. Thanks to ustadha Thameena, last Ramadan I learnt the basic's of the alphabet and thanks to ustadh Adam and the sisters and the Oak Tree Imitative, I can now read Quran. Slowly and falteringly but I now have the tools and with practice I will inshallah be able to recite inshallah.

Annette (Level 1)

Alhamdulillah I embarked on Level 2 of the Quranic Arabic course and completed it a couple of weeks ago. MashaAllah it was one of the best courses I have embarked on - I was learning words straight out of the Quran from the very first day, and this continued throughout the 10 weeks of the course.

Aisha (Level 2)

InshaAllah I hope that all sisters and their families and friends will take the initiative and try out the Quranic Arabic course by the Oak Tree Initiative.

Aisha (Level 2)

I would just like to say that the Quranic Arabic courses that are being run here in Liverpool are a great opportunity for us Muslim residents. In major other cities there are a wide range of accessible courses unlike Liverpool. So please take up this opportunity, while you can, because we may not get any future opportunities for such a course, only Allah (Swt) knows best.

Tayieba (Level 1)

I recommend every Muslim to attend the course because it is very good value for money. Also the teaching faculty were friendly. Ustadh Adam is very patient Mashallah. Learning Quran & teaching others is very rewarding Mashallah. The course material is excellent.

I just thought I'd email to let you know that alhamdullilah I managed to finish reading the quran during ramadan.....i still cant quite believe it as its only the second time I've finished it but I made sincere intention to achieve my goal...managed to finish it on the 29th day of ramadan just in time alhamdulliillah, sat in the haram in Mecca......I was thinking about you alot during the month and made lots of duas for you because without your excellent teaching and the course I know it would not have been possible.

Student (Level 1)

The first lesson we had, she cried with joy & said she can't believe that at 37, she can finally read. She said that the course had fulfilled a life-long dream to learn to read the Quran.

Level 1

I wanted to say a huge JazakAllah khair for OTI providing an excellent service this year with the UoM ISOC. We've had alot of positive feedback from the students and a lot of them wish to further continue in learning Arabic. Knowing we have provided students with a basis in understanding the beautiful Qu'ran is unexplainable and I pray Allah swt tremendously rewards you all for you efforts.

Thank you for your support and guidance. I took my Shahada today, the Imaam was very impressed with my progress in learning the Arabic language, thanks to OTI I have been given opportunity to embrace Islam with better knowledge and understanding.JazakAllah Khair

Learning Quranic Arabic with OTI is the first time the language of the Quran was made accessible. Friendly modern learning techniques are used to teach grammar alongside Quranic stories and gems. The sincere and patient teachers have helped to make the words of the Quran come alive and bring a personal relevance to my life! (Levels 2-4 Dr Bashir, PhD)